Mitch McConnell evidently thought he could exploit and manage Trump, harness "MAGA enthusiasm". It didn't work out. Until he draws his last breath, he will be fending off regret for engineering Trump's acquittal.

It seems the Court Leo built (and Leo himself) thinks the same. They'll come to regret it too. It's frankly astonishing it seems not to occur to them that a man would set an armed and angry mob on his Vice President when he defied him might be a danger to them - a danger they can preempt by upholding Anderson.

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You’re one of the few who has pointed out that Smith asked this court months ago to rule on this immediately, exactly so this wouldn’t happen. And they refused.

They know exactly what they’re doing. Half of ISIS doesn’t hate America as much as they do.

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As a practicing astrologer I will withhold any comments about the future here. But I CAN tell you that these SYSTEMS we are so deeply PROUD of? Systems are simply systems. The PEOPLE who populate them? They are what makes it work or not work. Who we put in charge? Puts other people in charge. To paraphrase Twain:

“If voting made any difference? They wouldn’t let us do it.”

Power dynamics are a THEME for the next 20 years. So #seeyouaround #thewatercooler #mightgetalittlehot 👠

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